SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPCONSORTIUM INC. “SEC” will play the catalyst role through Charitable and Philanthropic Development Center by providing resources and processes to conceptualize and form ventures and entities to develop community housing and mixed used development projects to improve the environment. SEC through its global network innovate social wealth originating models to provide self-sustaining resources.
SEC will organize funding from 3rd party philanthropist who would arrange and provide the needed collateral to financial institutions for SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONSORTIUM INC. to acquire projects. Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!
It will generate these resources by utilizing its network with social investors as well as business community that wants to promote and participate in community housing and mixed development projects under their philanthropic program and activities.
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONSORTIUM INC. has from various country partners received offers to pledge, be-quest, endow and give control, rights and access to various assets and resources to expand its activities in these countries under its charitable, social and philanthropic expansion plans:-
- Endowment of Ownership of various brands that have local and global values
- Management Control of The Social Idea Factory and International Social Entrepreneurship Development Centre that has resource base of 11,000 contact base
- Management of 10 charitable projects to develop Schools, Colleges and University township under a Charitable program
- Management of urban and rural land bank for development of various community housing and mixed development schemes
- Partnership in Community housing ventures with rights to develop them with respective professionals in their field as philanthropic partners.
- Commitment of several corporate leaders, retired executives, professional managers and individuals to dedicate and provide their valuable time resources for charitable cause to develop global volunteer network plans to innovate financial capital, human capital, intellectual capital, management and social entrepreneurial experiences.
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONSORTIUM INC. faces the challenge and confidently moves forward with support from organizations, institutions, businesses, professional bodies, corporate leaders, senior managers, academicians, friends, family members and scores of others. Please help us to achieve this charitable and philanthropic challenge to develop community related housing mixed used projects by providing quality living.
It takes a team, a vision, resources and commitment to get their. We request you to evaluate our concepts, thoughts and processes; it will help us to refine and fine tune the methods and with your help bring success to our joint journey. Life is learning process we want you to coach and guide us